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You searched for: health
  • What's the ER? for Kids

    Short for emergency room, this is the part of the hospital where kids and adults go if they suddenly have a big health problem or accident.

  • Getting a Blood Test (Video) for Kids

    A blood test might sound scary, but it usually takes less than a minute. Watch what happens in this video for kids.

  • What Are Fats? for Kids

    Like carbohydrates and proteins, fats are one of the three main components of the food you eat.

  • Copyright for Kids


  • What's Insulin Resistance? for Kids

    Even though the pancreas is still making insulin, the body doesn't let insulin do its job as well and it's harder for glucose to get into the cells. This is called insulin resistance.

  • What's the Tragus? for Kids

    That little bump on the outside of your ear canal is called the tragus.

  • What Does Epistaxis Mean? for Kids

    Epistaxis is usually no big deal — it's just the medical word for a bloody nose.

  • What's an Umbilical Cord? for Kids

    This is the name for the long tube that runs between a mother and her unborn baby.

  • What Is Sebum? for Kids

    You can't see it, but it's there. Sebum is your skin's natural oil, and it keeps your skin soft and makes it a bit waterproof.

  • What's Glycogen? for Kids

    When the body has extra glucose, it stores it in the liver and muscles. This stored form of glucose is called glycogen.