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Hospital Sant Joan de Deu

Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Barcelona
Passeig de Sant Joan de Deu, 2
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat
Barcelona, España
Tel. +34 93 253 21 00 - hospitalbarcelona.info@sjd.es

What Is a Cardiac Catheterization? (Video)

A cardiac catheterization is a procedure that cardiologists (heart doctors) do. They put a catheter  (a long, thin tube) into a blood vessel, then guide it the heart.

Cardiac catheterizations help doctors diagnose and treat many different heart problems.

  • 60-Second Summary: Cardiac Catheterization

    60-Second Summary: Cardiac Catheterization

    Learn the basics in 60 seconds.

Medically reviewed by: KidsHealth Medical Experts
Date reviewed: January 2023