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You searched for: school-diabetes
  • School and Asthma for Teens

    Lots of teens have asthma. Here are tips on keeping it under control so you can prevent (or manage) a flare-up at school.

  • Sleep and Your School-Aged Child for Parents

    School-age kids need 9–12 hours of sleep a night. If they don't get it, they may be cranky or moody, hyper, and have behavior problems.

  • Someone at School Has a Weapon. What Should I Do? for Teens

    If you think that someone is bringing a weapon to school or threatening someone else's life, it requires immediate attention. This article offers some tips on getting help.

  • My Child Is Struggling in School. How Can I Help? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Is My Child Too Sick to Go to School? for Parents

    It can be hard to know if kids are well enough to go to school or childcare. Here are some guidelines.

  • Starting a School Garden for Parents

    Students who garden are more likely to get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day, and they develop healthier attitudes about nutrition and fitness. This article is for educators.

  • Moving to Middle School for Kids

    You're moving on up to middle school. But what will it be like?

  • 10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School for Parents

    Kids do better in school when parents are involved. These early years of schooling are an important time for parents to be informed and supportive about their child's education.

  • Balancing Schoolwork and Hospital Stays for Parents

    When your child has a serious or chronic illness, it's hard to think beyond the next treatment. But with some planning, you can help your child balance schoolwork with hospital stays.

  • After-School Snacks for Parents

    If your kids come in from school and head straight for the kitchen for something to eat, here's how to make sure they still have room for a healthy dinner.