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You searched for: coronavirus-healthy-at-home
  • Listeria Infections for Parents

    Listeria infection (Listeriosis) is a type of food poisoning. It happens because someone ate or drank something with the bacteria in it. Here's how to protect your family.

  • What's Puke? for Kids

    Did you ever toss your cookies? That means throw up, or puke. It's gross, but just about everyone has done it. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Understanding COVID-19 for Parents

    Looking for information about COVID-19? Our articles and videos explain what the virus is, ways to prevent it from spreading, how to talk to kids about it, how to care for someone who is sick, and much more.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): Being Ready to Quarantine for Parents

    People who have a coronavirus (COVID-19) infection or are around someone who has it should stay home to prevent spreading the virus. Here's how to prepare to quarantine or isolate at home.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): How You Can Make a Difference for Teens

    All over the world, people are staying home due to coronavirus (COVID-19). Social distancing is something we all can do to make a big difference. It's not easy, but these tips can help.

  • Is it Safe to Breastfeed if I Have Coronavirus (COVID-19)? for Parents

    Moms who have coronavirus (COVID-19) can still breastfeed their babies or give expressed breast milk. Here's what to know.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): How YOU Can Stop the Spread (Video) for Parents

    Why is social distancing important? Find out how to keep yourself and other people healthy.

  • How to Talk to Kids About COVID-19 for Parents

    Your kids are hearing about coronavirus (COVID-19). To make sure they get reliable information, here's how to talk about it.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): Social Distancing With Children for Parents

    We're still finding out about COVID-19, but we know a lot. One thing we've learned is that social distancing is an important way to help prevent the virus from spreading.

  • COVID-19: What Do Quarantine and Isolation Mean? for Parents

    Some people with COVID-19 might need to stay home and away from others for a set time. This is known as isolation or quarantine. Find out what this means.