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Children's WI

Children's WI
(877) 266-8989

Can I Drink Alcohol if I Have Mono?

My girlfriend has mono and now I'm feeling the same symptoms. I haven't seen a doctor yet, but I'm wondering if I can still drink alcohol if I think I might have mono. If I can't, why not?

Drinking alcohol comes with plenty of health risks as it is. But it's especially important for anyone who has mono — or thinks they might — not to drink. That's because mono and alcohol each affect the liver. A person who has mono and drinks could end up with liver damage.

Because you're having symptoms, see a doctor or visit student health right away. And skip the alcohol until you do. If you do have mono, you'll need to avoid alcohol for a few months, even after you start feeling better.

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

Medically reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD
Date reviewed: January 2020