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You searched for: tell-parents
  • How Can I Get Birth Control Without Telling My Parents? for Teens

    If you can't talk with your parents about birth control, you can still get it from your doctor, a health clinic, or a school’s student health center.

  • Telling Your Partner You Have an STD for Teens

    People who have STDs might feel apprehensive about discussing their disease with a partner. Here are some tips on talking to a partner when you have an STD.

  • Can a Doctor Tell During Your Pelvic Exam if You've Had Sex? for Teens

    Most of the time, a doctor can't tell if a girl has had sex just from a pelvic exam. But you should let your doctor know if you've had sex anyway. Here's why.

  • Abuse: What You Need to Know for Teens

    Abuse means treating another person with violence, cruelty, harm, or force. It's never OK, and it's not the fault of the person who is being abused. Tell an adult you trust or call a helpline.

  • How to Tell When Someone Is Nice: Answers for Teens With Autism for Teens

    Spend time with people who are nice to you. Here's how to tell when someone is being nice, or being mean.

  • How to Do a Testicular Self-Exam (Slideshow) for Teens

    The testicular self-examination (TSE) is an easy way for guys to check their own testicles to make sure there aren't any unusual lumps or bumps - which are usually the first sign of testicular cancer.

  • Testicular Exams for Teens

    You may be wondering why the doctor needs to do a testicular exam. Find out in this article.

  • Talking to Your Parents or Other Adults for Teens

    Whether it's an everyday issue like schoolwork or an emergency situation, these tips can help you improve communications with your parents and other adults.

  • Teens Talk About Cutting for Teens

    We get lots of comments about our cutting articles. Because many of our readers' suggestions and comments are so helpful, we decided to put a few on our site.

  • Testicular Torsion for Teens

    This emergency condition happens when the spermatic cord gets twisted and cuts off blood supply, causing pain and swelling. Find out what to do in this article for teens.