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You searched for: jan-itch
  • A to Z: Dermatitis, Infantile Seborrheic for Parents

    Learn about dermatitis, inflammation of the skin that causes itching and discomfort.

  • Poison Ivy for Teens

    Poison ivy can grow anywhere, from the woods to your backyard. This article for teens has tips on how to avoid the plant and what to do if you get a rash.

  • Hey! A Chigger Bit Me! for Kids

    Chiggers are a tiny red type of mite. Learn more about itchy chiggers in this article.

  • First Aid: Head Lice for Parents

    Lice commonly spread from kid to kid. They're not dangerous - but they are creepy and annoying. Here's what to do about them.

  • Can You Get a Yeast Infection After Having Sex? for Teens

    It’s possible to get a yeast infection after having sex. Learn the symptoms and how to protect yourself.

  • Scarlet Fever for Parents

    Scarlet fever is an illness caused by a strep infection. It causes a red, bumpy rash that spreads over most of the body, and is treated with antibiotics.

  • Head Lice for Teens

    Lice aren't dangerous, but they do spread from person to person easily. They can also be hard to get rid of. Find out how to prevent lice -- and what to do if someone you know has them.

  • What's Scabies? for Kids

    Scabies is an itchy skin problem caused by teeny mites that dig tunnels underneath the skin's surface.

  • Hey! A Bedbug Bit Me! for Kids

    A bedbug is a small, flat, reddish-brown bug that can be found in homes all over the world. Learn more about bedbugs.

  • Hey! A Flea Bit Me! for Kids

    A flea is a small (no bigger than the head of a pin) brown bug with a hard shell. Learn more about fleas and how they affect you in this fun article just for kids.