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You searched for: high-blood-sugar
  • Diabetes and High Blood Sugar for Kids

    Too much glucose in the blood can be unhealthy, especially for kids with diabetes. Learn about diabetes and high blood sugar here.

  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis for Parents

    Diabetic ketoacidosis happens when the body uses fat for energy instead of sugar. People with diabetes can get it if their blood sugar levels are too high for too long and they don’t have enough insulin in their system.

  • Hyperglycemia and Diabetes for Parents

    When blood glucose levels (also called blood sugar levels) are too high, it's called hyperglycemia. A major goal in controlling diabetes is to keep blood sugar levels as close to the healthy range as possible.

  • Helping Your Young Athlete With Type 1 Diabetes for Parents

    Kids with type 1 diabetes can play sports and exercise at the same level as other kids.

  • Sports, Exercise, and Diabetes for Teens

    Teens with diabetes can exercise and play sports at the same level as everyone else, so whether you want to go for the gold or just go hiking in your hometown, diabetes shouldn't hold you back.

  • Diabetes and Sports Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers and coaches should know about students with diabetes playing sports and exercising.

  • What Is Type 2 Diabetes? for Teens

    Teens with type 2 diabetes have to pay close attention to what they eat and do.

  • What Is Type 2 Diabetes? for Parents

    Learning what you can about type 2 diabetes will let you help your child manage and live with the disease. Here are the basics.

  • How to Manage Blood Sugars With Type 1 Diabetes for Kids

    Keeping blood sugar levels under control can help keep you healthy and prevent health problems from happening down the road. Find out more.

  • Carbohydrates and Sugar for Parents

    Carbs are the body's most important and readily available source of energy. The key is to eat healthy ones, like whole grains, and avoid foods with added sugar.