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  • The Norwood Procedure for Parents

    The Norwood procedure is an open-heart surgery. It's the first of three surgeries to treat hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS).

  • Congenital Heart Defects for Parents

    Heart defects happen when there's a problem with a baby's heart development during pregnancy. Most heart defects can be treated during infancy.

  • Interrupted Aortic Arch (IAA) for Parents

    An interrupted aortic arch (IAA) is a rare heart condition in which the aorta doesn’t form completely. Surgery must be done within the first few days of a baby’s life to close the gap in the aorta.

  • 504 Education Plans for Parents

    Kids who have special needs in the classroom may be eligible for a government-supported learning plan.

  • Ebstein Anomaly for Parents

    Ebstein anomaly is a rare heart defect that affects the tricuspid valve. It can cause problems that range from very mild to very serious.

  • 504 Plans: Information for Teachers for Parents

    These plans enable students with special needs to get the accommodations required to access curricula at the same level as their classmates. This article is for educators.

  • Autism Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about autism, and teaching strategies to help students with autism do their best in school.

  • A to Z: Autism for Parents

    Learn about developmental disorders and conditions that affect children's moods, activities, and interactions.

  • Words to Know (Heart Glossary) for Kids

    Your heart beats and sends blood all around your body. Find out more about the heart, from A to Z, in this glossary.

  • Single Ventricle Defects for Parents

    Usually, a heart has two working ventricles (pumping chambers). Having a single ventricle means that only one of the two ventricles works well enough to pump blood.