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You searched for: hygiene-help
  • Hygiene Basics for Teens

    Puberty causes all kinds of changes in your body - and some may not make you feel very desirable. Read this article for information on dealing with greasy hair, perspiration, and body hair.

  • Taking Care of Your Body: Answers for Girls With Autism for Teens

    Learning to take care of your body is part of growing up. Here's what you need to do to keep your body clean and healthy.

  • Taking Care of Your Body: Answers for Boys With Autism for Teens

    When you're a teen, your body changes — this is part of growing up. You will have to learn new routines to keep yourself clean and healthy. Here's what to expect.

  • Taking Care of Your Body: Answers for Girls With Autism for Kids

    Learning how to take care of your body is part of growing up. Here's what you need to do to stay healthy and clean.

  • Taking Care of Your Body: Answers for Boys With Autism for Kids

    Learning how to take care of your body is part of growing up. Here's what to do to keep yourself clean and healthy.

  • Can I Wear the Same Pad All Day? for Teens

    It's not a good idea to go an entire school day without changing pads, pantiliners, or tampons. Here's why.

  • A to Z: Balanitis for Parents

    Learn about conditions that affect the penis and foreskin.

  • Impetigo for Teens

    Impetigo is a skin infection caused by fairly common bacteria. Read this article to learn how to recognize it and what to do about it.

  • Circumcision for Parents

    You have a decision to make before you take your newborn son home: whether to circumcise him. Before deciding, talk to your doctor and consider the issues.

  • Bad Breath for Kids

    How does your breath smell? Find out how to keep it smelling sweet in this article for kids.