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You searched for: reassure-period
  • Talking to Your Child About Puberty for Parents

    Talking to kids about puberty is an important job for parents, especially because kids often hear about sex and relationships from unreliable sources. Here are some tips.

  • Apnea of Prematurity for Parents

    Apnea of prematurity (AOP) is a condition in which premature infants stop breathing for more than 15 to 20 seconds during sleep. AOP usually goes away on its own as a baby matures.

  • Nightmares for Parents

    It’s normal for kids to have nightmares occasionally. You can't completely prevent nightmares, but you can help make them less likely and help your child get back to sleep.

  • Separation Anxiety for Parents

    Teary and tantrum-filled goodbyes are common with separation anxiety, which is a perfectly normal part of childhood development.

  • Delayed Puberty for Parents

    Puberty usually begins in girls 8-14, and in boys 9-15. If kids pass this normal age range without showing any signs of body changes, it's called delayed puberty.

  • Your Daughter's First Gynecology Visit for Parents

    The idea of going to the gynecologist may make your daughter feel nervous. Here's how to make her feel more comfortable about a well-woman visit.

  • Delayed Puberty for Teens

    Concerned about your growth or development? Puberty can be delayed for several reasons. Luckily, doctors usually can help teens with delayed puberty to develop more normally.

  • Are Detox Diets Safe? for Teens

    The name sounds reassuring - everyone knows that anything toxic is bad for you. But detox diets aren't good for teens. Find out why.

  • How to Talk to Kids About COVID-19 for Parents

    Your kids are hearing about coronavirus (COVID-19). To make sure they get reliable information, here's how to talk about it.

  • Autism Special Needs Checklist: Big Kids (ages 6-12) for Parents

    Having a plan for the future can help your big kid reach his or her full potential. Follow this 8-step checklist to help your child succeed during the elementary school years.