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You searched for: teens-talk-family-vd
  • Abuse: What You Need to Know for Teens

    Abuse means treating another person with violence, cruelty, harm, or force. It's never OK, and it's not the fault of the person who is being abused. Tell an adult you trust or call a helpline.

  • Telling Your Child a Family Member Has a Serious Illness for Parents

    When a loved one has a serious illness, it can be hard to know how to tell your child. Here are tips on when to talk, what to say, and how to help kids cope.

  • Dealing With Divorce for Teens

    A lot of emotions can pop up when change happens to your family, but learning more about divorce may make it a little easier to deal with.

  • About Teen Suicide for Parents

    When a teen commits suicide, everyone is affected. The reasons behind a suicide or attempted suicide can be complex, but often there are warning signs.

  • Talking to Kids About Race and Racism for Parents

    Race and the harmful effects of racism are common topics of conversation for some families. Other parents, though, might talk about racism and discrimination with their kids rarely, or not at all.To help put an end to racism, everyone has to take an active role, no matter who they are.

  • Someone in My Friend's Family Died. What Should I Do? for Kids

    Your friend probably feels a sadness called grief. People show their grief in different ways. They might need or want different things to help them feel better. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Diabetes: Dealing With Feelings for Parents

    If your child has diabetes, you may spend a lot of time thinking about the physical effects. But it's also important to understand the emotional issues surrounding a diabetes diagnosis.

  • Suicide for Teens

    We all feel overwhelmed by difficult emotions or situations sometimes. Here are the warning signs of suicide and ways to get help.

  • My Friend Is Talking About Running Away: What Should I Do? for Teens

    Do you know someone who is having major problems? No matter how bad things get, running away is never a solution. Find out how to help your friend.

  • Coping With Divorce for Kids

    If your parents decide to divorce, you may have a lot of emotions and questions. Here are some ways to feel better and get through it all.