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You searched for: smoking-plan
  • What to Do in a Fire for Kids

    It's scary to think about a fire happening at your house. But you can fight the fear - and prepare yourself - by learning the right way to handle a fire emergency. Find out more.

  • How Can I Deal With My Asthma? for Teens

    Asthma is more common these days than it used to be. The good news is it's also a lot easier to manage and control.

  • Kids and Smoking for Parents

    The health risks of smoking are well known, many young people still do it. Here's how to help your kids avoid smoking or quit, if they've already started.

  • Protecting Your Family From Wildfire Smoke Air Pollution for Parents

    Wildfires are becoming more common due to changes in the environment. These tips can help you be ready when wildfires happen or the air quality is poor in your area.

  • Traveling and Asthma for Teens

    If you have asthma, travel can seem less fun because there's always the worry that something unexpected may cause a flare-up. Here's how to avoid problems so you can concentrate on the fun.

  • Air Pollution and Asthma for Parents

    Ground-level ozone and other air pollutants can trigger asthma flare-ups. But there are steps you can take to minimize your child's exposure.

  • Dealing With Asthma Triggers for Teens

    Find out what can make your asthma worse, and what to do about it.

  • Asthma (Topic Center) for Parents

    Asthma keeps more kids home from school than any other chronic illness. Learn how to help your child manage the condition, stay healthy, and stay in school.

  • Fire Safety for Parents

    Find out how to prevent - and be ready for - a fire in your home.

  • What Is Asthma? for Kids

    Asthma makes it hard to breathe. Find out more in this article for kids.