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You searched for: helping
  • Getting Homework Help for Kids

    Homework, homework, homework. How do you get it done? Get some tips in this article for kids.

  • Getting Help With Homework for Teens

    Many students wonder: How can I get help with my homework? Here are some tips.

  • Homework Help (Topic Center) for Teens

    Writing a report? Studying for a test? Having problems at school? Get tips and advice.

  • Helping With Homework (Topic Center) for Parents

    Tips and advice on helping kids and teens with classwork and problems at school.

  • Homework Help (Topic Center) for Kids

    Writing a report? Studying for a test? Having problems at school? Get tips and advice.

  • Helping Your Teen With Homework for Parents

    Parents can play a crucial role in helping teens succeed in school by lending a little help, support, and guidance, and by knowing what problems demand their involvement and which ones require them to hang back.

  • Helping Kids Cope With Cliques for Parents

    With cliques prevalent in middle and high school, most kids encounter them at some point. Here's how parents can help kids maintain confidence and self-respect while dealing with cliques.

  • Disasters: How to Help for Teens

    Many people find the best way to deal with the news of a tragedy is to help. Find out what you can do.

  • Helping Teens Who Self-Harm for Parents

    Cutting and other forms of self-injury among teens have become more common in recent years. Learn how to help a teen who self-harms.

  • Helping Kids Deal With Bullies for Parents

    Unfortunately, bullying is a common part of childhood. But parents can help kids cope with it and lessen its lasting impact.