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You searched for: heart-it
  • Hearing Aids for Teens

    Want to hear what's being said to you, by you, and about you? Find out how hearing aids help people with certain types of hearing loss.

  • KidsHealth Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for Teens

    Privacy Policy/Terms of Use

  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Teens

    Our bones, muscles, and joints form our musculoskeletal system and enable us to do everyday physical activities.

  • Molluscum Contagiosum for Teens

    The skin rash molluscum contagiosum isn't a big deal. Find out what to do about it in this article for teens.

  • Bug Bites and Stings for Teens

    Generally, insect bites and stings are harmless. Find out how to keep pests from ruining your fun.

  • Testicular Torsion for Teens

    This emergency condition happens when the spermatic cord gets twisted and cuts off blood supply, causing pain and swelling. Find out what to do in this article for teens.

  • Words to Know (Cancer Glossary) for Teens

    Check out our cancer glossary for lots of easy-to-read definitions.

  • Yoga for Teens

    Looking for a workout program that's easy to learn, requires little or no equipment, and soothes your soul while toning your body? Read about yoga - and watch our slideshow for some easy poses to try.

  • Mononucleosis (Mono) for Teens

    It's sometimes called "the kissing disease," but kissing is just one of the ways that someone can catch mono.

  • Wound Healing and Care for Teens

    How well a wound heals depends on where it is on the body and what caused it – as well as how well someone cares for the wound at home. Find out what to do in this article for teens.