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You searched for: expert-coping
  • 5 Ways to Cope When a Loved One Dies for Teens

    We all face grief at some point. Here are ideas that might help you cope when someone you love has died.

  • Coping When a Parent Has an Alcohol or Drug Problem for Teens

    Alcoholism causes anguish not only for the person who drinks, but for everyone who is involved with that person. But there are things you can do to help cope with the problems alcoholism creates in families.

  • Rejection: How Well Do You Cope? (Quiz) for Teens

    Everyone gets rejected at some point. Get some insight into your coping skills by taking this quiz for teens.

  • 5 Ways to Cope With Anxiety for Teens

    Everyone feels worried or nervous at times. Here are 5 tips for teens to help manage anxiety.

  • Coping With Stress for Teens

    How well we get through a stressful situation depends a lot on us. It's how we deal with that makes all the difference. Here are some ways to understand and manage stress.

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder for Teens

    Sometimes after experiencing a traumatic event, a person has a strong and lingering reaction known as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Getting treatment and support can make all the difference.

  • Coping With Cliques for Teens

    Are you on the outside looking in or the inside wanting out? Find out how to deal with cliques.

  • About Serious Stress for Teens

    Serious stress can come from dealing with a personal crisis, a disaster, a health crisis, or a mental health condition that feels out of control. Here's what to do when stress gets really serious.

  • Dwarfism: Emily's Story (Video) for Teens

    Emily was adopted from Russia, where she was born with a type of dwarfism. In this video, she talks about her life philosophy and how she overcame the many hurdles she faced.

  • Rejection and How to Handle It for Teens

    Rejection hurts. But it's impossible to avoid. Life is about going for things. And when we do, rejection is always a possibility.