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You searched for: chicken-salad
  • Spinach Salad for Teens

    This recipe is especially for teens with lactose intolerance, who need to limit or avoid dairy products.

  • Eating Away From Home When You Have Diabetes for Kids

    Kids with diabetes can eat at restaurants safely. Find out how here!

  • Build a Better Fast-Food Meal for Parents

    Learn how to make healthy choices when your family gets fast food.

  • How to Make a Low-Cost and Healthy Dinner for Parents

    Find out how to make dinner that's healthy and doesn't cost a lot.

  • School Lunches for Parents

    Packing school lunches are a chance to steer kids toward good nutrition. Here are ideas for some fun and easy lunchbox options.

  • Eating at Restaurants When You Have Diabetes for Teens

    Dining out is probably a part of your social scene. If you have diabetes, you can pretty much eat the same foods as your friends and family. You just have to keep track of what you eat and enjoy certain foods in moderation.

  • MyPlate Food Guide for Teens

    MyPlate is designed to help people make smart food choices. Its different food groups are a reminder of what – and how much – we should put on our plates to stay healthy.

  • Keeping Portions Under Control for Parents

    Waistlines have been expanding over the last few decades. Part of the problem is what we eat, but another is quantity. Are our plates simply piled too high?

  • Food Poisoning for Teens

    The germs that get into food and cause food poisoning are tiny, but can have a powerful effect on the body. Find out what to do if you get food poisoning - and how to prevent it.

  • Food Poisoning for Parents

    Sometimes, germs can get into food and cause food poisoning. Find out what to do if your child gets food poisoning - and how to prevent it.