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You searched for: when-alone
  • Depression in Teens: How Parents Can Help for Parents

    All teens feel sad or moody at times. But when a sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or longer, and when there are other changes in how a teen acts, it could be a sign of depression. Find out what to do.

  • Kids Talk About: Feeling Scared for Kids

    All kids feel scared once in a while. Find out what frightens them in this article for kids.

  • Helping Kids Deal With Bullies for Parents

    Unfortunately, bullying is a common part of childhood. But parents can help kids cope with it and lessen its lasting impact.

  • Assistive Devices: Positioning Aids (Slideshow) for Parents

    Kids with special needs have many options when it comes to supportive seats. View this slideshow to see what's available.

  • Outdoor Water Safety for Parents

    Swimming in an open body of water (like a river, lake, or ocean) is different from swimming in a pool. Here are some tips based on the type of water.

  • How Can I Take Charge of My Own Medical Care? for Teens

    Find out how to take charge of managing your medical care.

  • Choosing Your Own Doctor for Teens

    You deserve medical care from someone who helps you feel comfortable and understood. Get tips on finding the best doctor for you.

  • Eating Disorders for Teens

    Eating disorders are problems that affect a person’s eating behaviors as well as attitudes and feelings about food and their body. This article for teens describes how different eating disorders impact a person's health and emotions.

  • Stress Less Over Tests for Teens

    Find out how to handle the stress that comes with tests.

  • Your Changing Body: Answers for Boys With Autism for Teens

    When you're a teen, your body changes. This part of growing up. It's called puberty. Here's what to expect.