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You searched for: skin-it
  • Melanoma for Parents

    Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Find out how to lower your family's risk of getting melanoma and how doctors treat it.

  • Words to Know (Cancer Glossary) for Parents

    Check out our cancer glossary for lots of easy-to-read definitions.

  • Scars for Kids

    You may be young, but you probably already have a scar or two. But why did you get them? How can you prevent them? Find out in this article written just for kids!

  • How to Choose & Use Sunscreen for Parents

    With all the options out there, choosing a sunscreen for your kids can be tricky. Here's what you need to know.

  • Bee, Wasp, and Ant Stings for Parents

    Bee, wasp, and ant stings can cause temporary discomfort and pain, but most don’t lead to serious or lasting health problems.

  • What's a Birthmark? for Kids

    Birthmarks, also known as hemangiomas, get their name for one reason: They are marks on the skin of a lot of newborn babies! Find out more about birthmarks in this article for kids.

  • Ringworm for Parents

    Ringworm is a type of fungal skin infection. The good news is that ringworm is easy to treat.

  • Ringworm for Teens

    Ringworm isn't a worm at all - it's the name for a type of fungal skin infection. The good news is that ringworm is easy to treat.

  • Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis) in Infants for Parents

    This harmless condition - the infant form of dandruff - causes rough, scaly patches on a baby's skin.

  • Erythema Multiforme for Parents

    By the looks of the "bulls-eye" marks this rash leaves on the skin, you might think it's cause for concern. But erythema multiforme clears up on its own within a few weeks.