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  • Withdrawal for Teens

    Before you consider having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself. Learn about withdrawal - and whether it's effective at preventing pregnancy and STDs.

  • Birth Control: Withdrawal for Parents

    Even for people who think they are doing it correctly, withdrawal is not an effective way to prevent pregnancy.

  • I Think I Had My First Period. How Can I Be Sure? for Teens

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • 5 Things to Know About Zika and Pregnancy for Parents

    Zika virus, spread by mosquitoes, is the cause of a serious birth defect. Here are 5 things to know about Zika and pregnancy.

  • Your Child's Changing Voice for Parents

    Along with obvious changes in physical appearance that come with puberty, your child’s voice will start sounding a whole lot different too.

  • Birth Control: Implantable Contraception for Parents

    Learn what implantable contraception is, how well it works, and more.

  • Birth Control: IUDs for Parents

    An IUD is a piece of T-shaped plastic placed inside the uterus. It's a good birth control option because it lasts for many years, needs no daily care, and is very effective at preventing pregnancy.

  • Birth Control: Emergency Contraception for Parents

    Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex; for example, if a condom breaks or slips off during sex.

  • Birth Control Shot for Teens

    Before you consider having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself. Read this article about the birth control shot and find out how it works - and how well.

  • What's the Difference Between a Nebulizer and an Inhaler? for Teens

    Inhalers and nebulizers are tools that help you get asthma medicine into the lungs. Find out how to use them.