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You searched for: changing-hair
  • Growth and Your 13- to 18-Year-Old for Parents

    Kids entering puberty will undergo many changes in their developing bodies. Find out more about what to expect.

  • Growth and Your 6- to 12-Year-Old for Parents

    As kids grow from grade-schoolers to preteens, there continues to be a wide range of "normal" as far as height, weight, and shape.

  • What Is a Gene? for Kids

    Why does one kid have green eyes while another kid's eyes are brown? It's all in the genes! Find out how genes work, what happens when there are problems with genes, and more.

  • Albinism for Teens

    Humans, animals, and even plants can have albinism, a condition that gives people a kind of pale appearance. Find out more about albinism here.

  • Precocious Puberty for Parents

    Precocious puberty - when signs of puberty start before age 7 or 8 in girls and age 9 for boys - can be tough for kids. But it can be treated.

  • All About Puberty for Kids

    Voice cracking? Clothes don't fit? Puberty can be a confusing time, but learning about it doesn't have to be. Read all about it in this article for kids.

  • Your Child's Growth for Parents

    From the moment parents greet their newborn, they watch the baby's progress eagerly. But how can they tell if their child is growing properly?

  • Using Hair Dyes and Color During Pregnancy for Parents

    Because very little dye is absorbed through the skin, dying your hair is "most likely usually safe" during pregnancy, say health experts.

  • Is It Safe to Shave Pubic Hair? for Teens

    Shaving is an easy way to remove pubic hair. It is fairly inexpensive, and you can do it yourself.

  • When Will I Get My Period? for Kids

    It's normal to be a little worried or anxious about getting your period. Find out more in this article for kids.