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Aetna Better Health of Michigan (Medicaid) is a KidsHealth Educational Partner

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You searched for: moving
  • Texting on the Move for Teens

    You've heard the warnings about texting and driving, but it's also risky to text and walk. Read our tips for safe texting.

  • Moving to Middle School for Kids

    You're moving on up to middle school. But what will it be like?

  • Clubfoot: Moving the Legs in a Ponseti Brace (Video) for Parents

    After clubfoot is corrected in the casting phase, it must be maintained in the bracing phase for up to 5 years. While your baby wore casts, he or she could move the legs independently. But because both feet are in the brace, the legs can only move together.

  • What Does Stat Mean? for Kids

    Quick! On the double! Hurry up! Get moving!

  • What Does Dislocation Mean? for Kids

    A dislocation is when one or more bones at a joint moves out of place.

  • What's a Gurney? for Kids

    A gurney is a hospital bed with wheels that makes it easy to move patients around.

  • What Are Laxatives? for Kids

    Laxatives are medicines that help you out when your bowels aren't moving.

  • What's a Retainer? for Kids

    Your teeth won't go far, but they can move after your braces are removed.

  • Tasty Sweet Potato Tots for Kids

    Move over tater tots, here come Tasty Tots. Would you believe the secret ingredient is chickpeas?

  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Teens

    Our bones, muscles, and joints form our musculoskeletal system and enable us to do everyday physical activities.

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