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  • Tips for Divorcing Parents for Parents

    Every divorce - and every family - is different. But these guidelines might make the change a bit easier.

  • What to Do When Babies Cry for Parents

    During the first 3 months of life, babies cry more than at any other time. Here's how to soothe them.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Some Common Concerns for Parents

    Here are answers to some questions about common breastfeeding concerns - from biting to spitting up.

  • Dogs and Preventing Dog Bites for Kids

    Are you a little afraid of dogs? Some kids are, so find out how you can make friends with dogs and avoid dog bites.

  • 5 Facts About Goal Setting for Teens

    Here are 5 practical tips on goal setting that can help make it easier to set and reach goals.

  • What If I Don't Like Sports? for Kids

    Sports can be challenging when you're new to them, but they also can be really fun. Take a second look at sports - and learn other ways to be active - in this article for kids.

  • Therapy and Weight Management for Teens

    Losing weight can feel like a challenge, no matter how much we want it. It can sometimes seem like our minds are working against us. That's where weight-management counselors can help.

  • Diabetes: Getting Comfortable With a New Babysitter for Parents

    If you haven’t used a babysitter since your child was diagnosed with diabetes, you might have some questions about what to do. Here’s how to be prepared.

  • Childhood Fears and Worries for Parents

    It's normal for children to feel afraid at times. Parents can help kids feel safe and learn to feel at ease.

  • How Can I Worry Less? for Kids

    Most kids worry at times. It's is a way of thinking about what might happen. It helps people get ready for what's ahead.