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You searched for: deal-chronic-illness
  • Dealing With Sports Injuries for Teens

    You practiced hard and made sure you wore protective gear, but you still got hurt. Read this article to find out how to take care of sports injuries - and how to avoid getting them.

  • Helping Kids Deal With Bullies for Parents

    Unfortunately, bullying is a common part of childhood. But parents can help kids cope with it and lessen its lasting impact.

  • About Serious Stress for Teens

    Serious stress can come from dealing with a personal crisis, a disaster, a health crisis, or a mental health condition that feels out of control. Here's what to do when stress gets really serious.

  • Dealing With Pain During Childbirth for Parents

    Learning all you can about childbirth pain is one of the best ways to help you deal with it when the time comes.

  • Dealing With Feelings When You're Overweight for Teens

    If a person is struggling with extra weight, it can add to the emotional ups and downs of being a teen. Get some tips on coping here.

  • Dealing With Earwax (Cerumen) for Parents

    Earwax helps protect the eardrum and fight infection. Parents shouldn't attempt to remove earwax at home, as doing so risks damage to the ear canal and, possibly, a child's hearing.

  • Dealing With Cuts for Parents

    Find out how to handle minor cuts at home - and when to get medical care for a more serious injury.

  • What Is Divorce? for Kids

    A divorce happens when two people who are married no longer want to be married to each other or live together. Learning more about divorce may make it a little easier to deal with.

  • The Deal With Diets for Teens

    With all the focus on dieting, how do you figure out what's healthy and what isn't? Read this article to get the basics on dieting.

  • How Can I Deal With Heartburn During Pregnancy? for Parents

    Heartburn is common during pregnancy. Find out what can help.