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You searched for: exercise-pain
  • How Can I Relieve My Pregnancy Leg Cramps? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Limb Lengthening Surgery: External Fixator for Parents

    Limb lengthening surgery is done when someone has a leg length discrepancy (one leg is shorter than the other). Sometimes this is treated with an external fixator.

  • Migraine Headaches for Teens

    If you've ever had a migraine, you know that these headaches can cause severe pain and other symptoms. Read about migraine causes, treatments, prevention tips, and lots more.

  • Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome for Teens

    This growth-related injury is more common in teens who play sports that require a lot of running or jumping. Find out why it happens - and what you can do to avoid and treat it.

  • Can Birth Control Help With Cramps? for Teens

    Doctors may prescribe some kinds of birth control to ease period cramps. Find out what may help.

  • Cutting & Self-Injury for Teens

    It can be hard to understand, but people who self-injure sometimes do it because it actually makes them feel better. They are overflowing with emotions - like sadness, depression, or anger - that they have trouble expressing.

  • Little League Elbow for Parents

    Little League elbow is an overuse injury to the elbow caused by repetitive throwing. Most cases happen in pitchers, but any young athlete who throws a lot can get the condition.

  • Pregnancy Slideshow (Mom & Baby) for Parents

    Here's a peek at what's going on inside your body during the amazing 40 weeks of pregnancy. Watch your belly — and your baby — grow!

  • Torticollis in Infants for Parents

    Babies with this condition have trouble turning their heads, due to muscle tightness. Simple stretching exercises and physical therapy can help babies get better.

  • Constipation for Teens

    Constipation is a very common problem that usually happens because a person's diet doesn't include enough fluids and fiber. In most cases, making simple changes can help you feel better.