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You searched for: er-asthma
  • When Does a Cut Need Stitches? for Parents

    It's important to know when a cut might need medical care or even a few stitches. Here's what to look for.

  • First Aid: Choking for Parents

    Choking can be a life-threatening emergency. Follow these steps if your child is choking.

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) in Kids and Teens for Parents

    When symptoms of heartburn or acid indigestion happen a lot, it could be gastroesophageal reflux (GER). And it can be a problem for kids.

  • COVID-19: What to Do if Your Child Is Sick for Parents

    There's still much to learn about COVID-19. Still, parents wonder what to do if their child gets sick during the pandemic. Here's what doctors say to do if your child has coronavirus symptoms.

  • What to Do About Cuts for Parents

    Most cuts can be safely treated at home. But deeper cuts - or any wounds that won't stop bleeding - need emergency medical treatment.

  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis for Parents

    Diabetic ketoacidosis happens when the body uses fat for energy instead of sugar. People with diabetes can get it if their blood sugar levels are too high for too long and they don’t have enough insulin in their system.

  • Playground Safety for Parents

    Following these safety guidelines can make neighborhood playgrounds entertaining and safe for your kids.

  • What to Do About a Fever (High Temperature) for Parents

    Fevers are usually not cause for alarm — they're the body's way of fighting infection. Here's what to do if your child has a fever.

  • VP Shunts for Parents

    A VP shunt is a small plastic tube that helps drain extra cerebrospinal fluid from the brain. Most VP shunts are placed to treat hydrocephalus.

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) in Babies for Parents

    When babies have reflux, they spit up. Often, this happens after a feeding. Some simple feeding changes can help most babies with reflux spit up less.