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You searched for: reassure-period
  • Autism Special Needs Checklist: Big Kids (ages 6-12) for Parents

    Having a plan for the future can help your big kid reach his or her full potential. Follow this 8-step checklist to help your child succeed during the elementary school years.

  • Communication and Your Newborn for Parents

    From birth, your newborn has been communicating with you. Crying may seem like a foreign language, but soon you'll know what your baby needs - a diaper change, a feeding, or your touch.

  • Keeping Your Child Healthy During Cancer Remission for Parents

    Many families with a child in remission feel empowered to make lifestyle changes that could benefit their child's health in the future. Here are some tips.

  • Tips for Divorcing Parents for Parents

    Every divorce - and every family - is different. But these guidelines might make the change a bit easier.

  • Your Child's Growth for Parents

    From the moment parents greet their newborn, they watch the baby's progress eagerly. But how can they tell if their child is growing properly?

  • Caring for Your Child With Cerebral Palsy (CP): Ages 6–12 for Parents

    If you have a school-age child with cerebral palsy, there's a lot to know. This checklist makes it easy to find out what programs and services may be available to you.

  • Cancer Treatment & Fertility for Parents

    While some cancer treatments have little to no effect on reproductive health, others are more likely cause temporary or permanent infertility.

  • Well-Child Visit: 1.5 Years (18 Months) for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your toddler might be doing by 18 months.

  • COVID-19: Kids and Masks for Parents

    Wearing masks helps to slow the spread of COVID-19. Some toddlers and young children may feel uneasy about masks. Here's how to reassure your child.

  • Why Are My Breasts Different Sizes? for Teens

    It's quite common for girls to have different-sized breasts, especially as they develop during puberty. If you're worried about how your breasts are developing, check out this article.