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You searched for: when-contacts
  • Disciplining Your Toddler for Parents

    Reeling in your active little one can be tough. But setting limits now helps prevent bigger problems down the road.

  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis for Parents

    Diabetic ketoacidosis happens when the body uses fat for energy instead of sugar. People with diabetes can get it if their blood sugar levels are too high for too long and they don’t have enough insulin in their system.

  • COVID-19 Tests: Which One Is Best? for Parents

    Two kinds of tests can see if someone is infected with COVID-19: molecular tests (such as PCR) and antigen tests. Find out how they differ and which might be best for you or your family.

  • When a Pet Dies: Helping Kids Cope for Parents

    For most kids, pets are more than just animals – they're members of the family. So it can be heartbreaking to lose one. Here's how to help kids cope.

  • Leaving Your Child Home Alone for Parents

    It's natural for parents to be a bit anxious when first leaving kids without supervision. But you can feel prepared and confident with some planning and a couple of trial runs.

  • Feeling Good About Yourself (Self-Esteem) for Kids

    Self-confidence and self-esteem are quiet inner strengths. They mean knowing you are a good person – someone who is likable, worthy, and capable.

  • When Being Overweight Is a Health Problem for Teens

    A couple of pounds of extra body fat are not a health risk for most people. But when people are severely overweight, it can cause health problems.

  • Going to School When You Have Diabetes for Kids

    Are you on your own at school when you're dealing with diabetes? Not at all. Your teachers, coaches, school nurse, and friends can help you out.

  • What if I Feel Embarrassed When I Have My Period at School? for Kids

    If you feel embarrassed when you're on your period at school, here are some tips.

  • When Can a Child Switch to a Regular Seatbelt? for Parents

    Find out when kids can switch to using regular seatbelts.