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You searched for: oatmeal
  • First Aid: Chickenpox for Parents

    Chickenpox (varicella) has become less common in the U.S. due to the chickenpox vaccine, but it can easily spread from one person to another.

  • Pityriasis Rosea for Teens

    Pityriasis rosea is a pink or gray skin rash that's common in teens and young adults. It may itch, but it's harmless. Find out what to do about it in this article for teens.

  • A to Z Symptom: Rash for Parents

    A rash is an area of irritated, bumpy, painful, or swollen skin. Most aren't harmful or dangerous.

  • Poison Ivy for Parents

    Most people get a reaction to poison ivy. Check out this article for tips on what to do and how to avoid poison ivy.

  • What to Do About Poison Ivy for Parents

    Mild rashes from poison ivy, oak, and sumac plants can be treated at home. But get medical care for severe and widespread rashes.

  • The Deal With Diets for Teens

    With all the focus on dieting, how do you figure out what's healthy and what isn't? Read this article to get the basics on dieting.

  • Carbohydrates and Diabetes for Teens

    If you have diabetes, your doctor may have recommended keeping track of how many carbohydrates (carbs) you eat. But what exactly are carbs and how do they affect your blood sugar?

  • Dietary Tips for Teens With Cystic Fibrosis for Teens

    Teens with cystic fibrosis have some specific nutritional needs. Here's how they can meet those needs.

  • Carbohydrates and Diabetes for Kids

    If you have diabetes, you might think you shouldn't eat carbohydrates (carbs) at all. But all kids, including kids with diabetes, can and should eat carbs as part of a healthy diet.

  • Constipation for Teens

    Constipation is a very common problem that usually happens because a person's diet doesn't include enough fluids and fiber. In most cases, making simple changes can help you feel better.