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You searched for: weight-loss
  • Therapy and Weight Management for Teens

    Losing weight can feel like a challenge, no matter how much we want it. It can sometimes seem like our minds are working against us. That's where weight-management counselors can help.

  • Giardiasis for Parents

    Giardiasis, a top cause of diarrhea, is an intestinal illness caused by a tiny parasite. Infections pass easily from person to person.

  • Treating Type 2 Diabetes for Parents

    Kids who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes follow a diabetes care plan to help them manage the condition and stay healthy and active.

  • Elective Surgery for Parents

    Elective surgery means you and the doctor decide when the it will happen. Many elective surgeries are important, potentially life-changing operations. Here's how to plan for them.

  • Lupus for Parents

    Lupus is known as an autoimmune disease in which a person's immune system mistakenly works against the body's own tissues.

  • Pancreatitis for Parents

    Pancreatitis is sometimes mistaken for a stomach virus because symptoms can include fever, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Symptoms usually get better on their own, but sometimes treatment is needed.

  • Eating Disorders for Teens

    Eating disorders are problems that affect a person’s eating behaviors as well as attitudes and feelings about food and their body. This article for teens describes how different eating disorders impact a person's health and emotions.

  • Late Effects of Cancer and Cancer Treatment for Parents

    Long-term side effects, or late effects, happen to many cancer survivors. With early diagnosis and proper follow-up care, most late effects can be treated or cured.

  • A to Z: Gastroparesis for Parents

    Learn more about this problem of the stomach and digestive tract.

  • Managing Your Weight (Topic Center) for Teens

    Has your doctor told you to lose weight? Get ideas on food, fitness, and staying motivated. We've also got weight management tools and recipes designed just for teens.