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  • Ascariasis for Parents

    Ascariasis is an intestinal infection that occurs when the eggs of a parasitic roundworm are ingested. Read about signs and symptoms, treatment, and tips for prevention.

  • Pinworms for Kids

    It's gross to think about but did you know that tiny worm eggs could be under your fingernails? Learn more about how to protect yourself from getting pinworms.

  • Hepatitis for Kids

    It's sneaky, it's silent, and it can permanently harm your liver. Read this article for more information on hepatitis.

  • MRSA for Parents

    MRSA is a type of bacteria that the usual antibiotics can't tackle anymore. Simple precautions can help protect your kids from becoming infected.

  • When Is an Illness Contagious? for Parents

    How do you know when a child's illness is in the contagious stage? Find out here.

  • Amebiasis for Parents

    Amebiasis is an intestinal illness transmitted when someone eats or drinks something that's contaminated with a microscopic parasite.

  • Salmonellosis for Teens

    People often think of salmonellosis as food poisoning, but food is only one way the bacteria Salmonella can be spread.

  • Strep Throat for Teens

    Strep throat is a common infection that usually needs to be treated with antibiotics. Find out how to recognize the signs of strep throat and what to expect if you have it.

  • A to Z: MSSA for Parents

    Learn about causes and complications of skin infections.

  • Toxoplasmosis for Parents

    Toxoplasmosis is an infection that passes from animals to humans, sometimes without causing any symptoms. Learn more about this infection in this article for parents.