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You searched for: kissing
  • Cold Sores for Kids

    You might have had a cold sore and wondered, what are they exactly? Find out in this article for kids.

  • Cold Sores (HSV-1) for Teens

    Cold sores (also known as fever blisters) are pretty common and lots of people get them. So what causes them and what can you do?

  • Cold Sores for Parents

    Cold sores are small and painful blisters that appear around the mouth, face, or nose. They're very common and, while uncomfortable, usually go away on their own.

  • Hemangiomas: Suzanne's Story for Parents

    When Anna was born, she developed red spots that her parents learned were hemangiomas, benign birthmarks that she eventually outgrew. Her mother tells her story.

  • Your Baby's Hearing, Vision, and Other Senses: 5 Months for Parents

    Your baby is working on all five senses, understanding and anticipating more and more. How can you stimulate your baby's senses?

  • Your Baby's Hearing, Vision, and Other Senses: 6 Months for Parents

    Your baby is working on all five senses, understanding and anticipating more and more. How can you stimulate your baby's senses?

  • Your Baby's Hearing, Vision, and Other Senses: 4 Months for Parents

    Your baby is working on all five senses, understanding and anticipating more and more. How can you stimulate your baby's senses?

  • Connecting With Your Preteen for Parents

    As your preteen becomes more independent, staying connected may seem like more of a challenge. But it's as important as ever – here are some tips.

  • Infections That Pets Can Spread for Parents

    Kids can benefit from the companionship, affection, and relationships they share with pets. But it's important to know how to protect your family from infections carried by pets and other animals.

  • Sexual Violence and Rape: What You Need to Know for Teens

    Sexual violence is unwanted sexual behavior that is forced on someone. It can take many forms, including rape. Sexual violence and rape are never OK. Find out what to do and how to get help if you need it.