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You searched for: exercise-tired
  • Asthma: Exercise-Induced Asthma Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers and coaches should know about students with exercise-induced asthma (EIA).

  • Compulsive Exercise for Parents

    Even though exercise has many positive benefits, too much can be harmful. Teens who exercise compulsively are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.

  • Compulsive Exercise for Teens

    Compulsive exercise can lead to serious health problems. Lots of people don't know when they've crossed the line from healthy activity to unhealthy addiction. Read about ways to tell.

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma for Teens

    Some people have asthma symptoms only during or after exercise. This is called exercise-induced asthma. Here are some tips for coping with it.

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for Parents

    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complicated disease. It's a physical condition that also can also affect a person emotionally.

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma for Parents

    Many kids with asthma have symptoms only when they exercise. But with careful management, they usually can do anything their peers can do.

  • Being Active When You Have Diabetes for Kids

    Like anyone else, kids with diabetes can enjoy sports. Whether you want to go for the gold or just go hiking in your hometown, your diabetes won't hold you back.

  • Exercising During Pregnancy for Parents

    Most women benefit greatly from exercising throughout their pregnancies. But during that time, you'll need to make a few changes to your normal exercise routine.

  • Sports, Exercise, and Diabetes for Teens

    Teens with diabetes can exercise and play sports at the same level as everyone else, so whether you want to go for the gold or just go hiking in your hometown, diabetes shouldn't hold you back.

  • What Is Type 1 Diabetes? for Kids

    Thousands of kids all over the world have type 1 diabetes, a disease that affects how the body uses glucose.