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You searched for: anxieti-rather
  • Social Anxiety Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about social phobia, and what teachers can do to help students with the disorder succeed in school.

  • 504 Plans: Information for Teachers for Parents

    These plans enable students with special needs to get the accommodations required to access curricula at the same level as their classmates. This article is for educators.

  • 504 Education Plans for Parents

    Kids who have special needs in the classroom may be eligible for a government-supported learning plan.

  • Confidence for Teens

    Confidence means believing in yourself and in your abilities – not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way.

  • Talking to Your Child's Preschool Teacher for Parents

    Enrolling your little one in preschool can be a time filled with many questions. Find out how to establish an open, clear channel of communication with your child's preschool teacher.

  • About Teen Suicide for Parents

    When a teen commits suicide, everyone is affected. The reasons behind a suicide or attempted suicide can be complex, but often there are warning signs.

  • Organizing Your Schoolwork for Teens

    It's not just for school: Mastering the skills of getting organized, staying focused, and seeing work through to the end will help in just about everything you do.

  • Dealing With Stress In Sports for Teens

    The key to keeping calm when playing sports is to develop a healthy attitude and learn to deal with the stress that comes with competing. Here’s how.

  • Kids and Smoking for Parents

    The health risks of smoking are well known, many young people still do it. Here's how to help your kids avoid smoking or quit, if they've already started.

  • Sibling Rivalry for Parents

    As upsetting as it can be for a parent, conflict between siblings is very common. Here's how to help your kids get along.