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You searched for: asthma-story
  • Kat's Asthma Story for Kids

    Kat doesn't let her asthma get in the way of playing sports. Find out how she does it in this article for kids.

  • Asthma: Parents Talk (Video) for Parents

    Hear what parents have to say about raising kids with asthma.

  • How Can I Help My Child Use a Nebulizer? for Parents

    Nebulizers are often used with young children because they require little effort on the child's part. But kids do need to stay in one place and cooperate. If you're having trouble giving treatments, this article is for you!

  • Why Does My Nose Run? for Kids

    You may have heard the old joke: If your nose is running and your feet smell, you must be upside down! But did you ever wonder why your nose runs?

  • Going to the Hospital for Kids

    It may seem scary to go to a hospital, but doctors and nurses are there to help people who are sick or hurt feel better. Read our article for kids to find out what happens inside a hospital.

  • Managing Your Weight (Topic Center) for Teens

    Has your doctor told you to lose weight? Get ideas on food, fitness, and staying motivated. We've also got weight management tools and recipes designed just for teens.

  • Personal Stories for Teens

    Find out how some teens handle life with a health condition.

  • Diseases & Conditions for Teens

    From asthma to ulcers, learn about diseases and conditions that can affect teens. Get health information and resources for yourself or someone you care about.

  • KidsHealth Videos for Parents

    Watch our videos to learn more about health conditions, medical procedures and treatments, baby care, body basics, and much more.

  • Videos for Parents

    Our videos help parents learn more about health and medical conditions, baby care, and much more.