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You searched for: start-exercising
  • Medical Care During Pregnancy for Parents

    The sooner in pregnancy good care begins, the better for the health of both moms and their babies. Here's what to expect.

  • Pregnancy Slideshow (Mom & Baby) for Parents

    Here's a peek at what's going on inside your body during the amazing 40 weeks of pregnancy. Watch your belly — and your baby — grow!

  • Physical Therapy for Teens

    Physical therapy helps people get back to full strength and movement - and manage pain - in key parts of the body after an illness or injury.

  • Sports and Exercise Safety for Teens

    Playing hard doesn't have to mean getting hurt. The best way to ensure a long and injury-free athletic career is to play it safe from the start. Find out how.

  • Weight Management: Strength Training Exercises (Video) for Teens

    These videos guide teens through basic strength training exercises. Anyone can do these exercises, and they work well as part of a weight-loss plan.

  • How Can I Stop Cutting? for Teens

    If you've been cutting and you want to stop, here are some approaches that might help you.

  • Easy Exercises for Teens for Teens

    Finding it hard to fit in fitness? Try these simple exercises for teens.

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma for Parents

    Many kids with asthma have symptoms only when they exercise. But with careful management, they usually can do anything their peers can do.

  • Dealing With Pain During Childbirth for Parents

    Learning all you can about childbirth pain is one of the best ways to help you deal with it when the time comes.

  • 6 Ways to Study Better for Tests for Teens

    Taking good notes, scheduling study time, and joining a study group are just some ways to study well. Here’s how to be prepared.