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You searched for: school-immunizations
  • Common Questions About Vaccines for Parents

    Vaccines protect kids from potentially deadly diseases. Learn about what they are, how they work, and what they do.

  • Measles (Rubeola) for Parents

    Measles is best known for the skin rash it causes. Although rare, outbreaks can happen. Getting your kids fully vaccinated is the best way to protect them from this disease.

  • Vaccine Basics for Teens

    Missing out on shots puts you at more serious risk than you might think. That one little "ouch" moment protects you from some major health problems.

  • Measles: What You Need to Know for Parents

    You may have heard that cases of measles are on the rise lately, but there’s no reason to panic. Here’s what you need to know about measles and how to keep your family safe.

  • Health Care Providers: Allergists/Immunologists for Parents

    An allergist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats asthma, allergies, or immune system conditions.

  • Your Child's Vaccines: Influenza Vaccine (Flu Shot) for Parents

    Find out when and why kids need to get the flu vaccine.

  • Meningitis in Kids for Parents

    Meningitis is treatable, but can be serious. So it's important to know the symptoms, and get medical care right away if you think that your child has the illness.

  • Preparing to Adopt a Child for Parents

    Considering adoption? Here are some things to know about the health and medical care of an adopted child, before, during, and after the adoption.

  • Chickenpox for Parents

    Chickenpox used to be common in kids, causing a very itchy red rash all over the body. But the good news is that a vaccine can prevent most cases.

  • 5 Ways to Fight the Flu for Teens

    Get tips for fending off the flu in this article for teens.