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You searched for: poison-control-center
  • Taking Care of Your Grandchildren for Parents

    When you take care of your grandkids, you're probably excited to put your own parenting experience to good use. But there are a few childcare basics to brush up on.

  • When and Where to Get Medical Care for Parents

    Should you head to the ER when your child is hurt or ill? What about an urgent care center? Different problems need different levels of care, and you have many options.

  • Choosing and Instructing a Babysitter for Parents

    One of your most important tasks as a parent is finding a qualified babysitter. Here are some essential tips on choosing and instructing a babysitter.

  • Diarrhea for Parents

    Most kids battle diarrhea from time to time, so it's important to know what to do to relieve and even prevent it.

  • A to Z Symptom: Belly Pain for Parents

    Belly pain is common and, most of the time, doesn't have a serious cause.

  • Talking to the Pharmacist for Parents

    If your child is sick, you'll probably have many questions to ask your doctor. But have you made a list of questions and concerns to share with your pharmacist?

  • Alcohol for Teens

    Deciding whether to drink is a personal decision that we each eventually have to make. Get the facts about alcohol.

  • What Babysitters Need to Know About Safety for Teens

    The most important part of babysitting is keeping kids safe. Here are some things to know.

  • A to Z: Insect Bites/Stings, Non-Venomous for Parents

    Bites from non-venomous insects are the result of an insect attempting to feed upon a person's blood. Non-venomous means the insect does not inject poisons through its bite.

  • Diarrhea for Teens

    Nearly everybody gets diarrhea every once in a while, and it's usually caused by gastrointestinal infections. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Read this article to learn more.