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You searched for: flying
  • What Makes Me Sneeze? for Kids

    If you just sneezed, something was probably irritating or tickling the inside of your nose. Learn more about why you sneeze in this article for kids.

  • Jellyfish for Kids

    Jellyfish can sting swimmers - ouch! Find out more about these quietly creepy sea creatures.

  • Tympanoplasty for Parents

    Tympanoplasty is a surgery to repair a hole in the eardrum that doesn’t close on its own. It can improve hearing and prevent water from getting into the middle ear.

  • Food Allergies and Travel for Teens

    Taking precautions and carrying meds are just part of normal life for someone who has a food allergy. Here are some tips on how to make travel also feel perfectly routine.

  • Ear Tube Surgery for Parents

    Many kids get middle ear infections (otitis media). Doctors may suggest ear tube surgery for those with multiple infections or a hearing loss or speech delay.

  • Summer Safety (Topic Center) for Parents

    Here's your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about how to keep kids safe during summertime.

  • Play & Learn (Topic Center) for Parents

    This site helps parents promote active and imaginative play throughout all stages of childhood. Learn which activities inspire and motivate, and which toys are not only safer, but smarter, too.

  • Fears and Phobias for Teens

    Fear is a normal human reaction that protects us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it. Get the facts about fears and phobias and what causes them.

  • Emergency Care & First Aid (Topic Center) for Parents

    Here's your one-stop information center for everything you need to know about handling emergencies and keeping kids safe.

  • Asthma (Topic Center) for Parents

    Asthma keeps more kids home from school than any other chronic illness. Learn how to help your child manage the condition, stay healthy, and stay in school.