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You searched for: active-outdoors
  • Air Pollution and Asthma for Teens

    Poor air quality can make asthma worse. Here's what to do about it if you have asthma.

  • Raising a Fit Preschooler for Parents

    Preschoolers have a lot of energy, and the physical skills and coordination to ride a tricycle or chase a butterfly.

  • Asthma: Exercise-Induced Asthma Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers and coaches should know about students with exercise-induced asthma (EIA).

  • Dealing With Asthma Triggers for Kids

    If you have asthma, certain things may cause you to cough and have trouble breathing. Find out more about asthma triggers in this article for kids.

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma for Teens

    Some people have asthma symptoms only during or after exercise. This is called exercise-induced asthma. Here are some tips for coping with it.

  • Summer Safety (Topic Center) for Teens

    Want to avoid summer hazards so you can focus on the fun? This center offers tips for teens.

  • 3 Ways to Build Strong Bones for Parents

    We build almost all our bone density when we're kids and teens. Kids with strong bones have a better chance of avoiding bone weakness later in life. Here's how parents can help.

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma for Parents

    Many kids with asthma have symptoms only when they exercise. But with careful management, they usually can do anything their peers can do.

  • Can Kids and Teens With Asthma Play Sports? for Parents

    Kids and teens who have asthma can and do play sports. But some activities are better than others. Find out more.

  • Safe Exploring for Toddlers for Parents

    Toddlers are learning to talk, to walk and run, and to assert their independence. For many in this age group, "outside" and "play" are common requests.