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You searched for: when-breakfast
  • Egg Allergy for Kids

    Babies sometimes have an allergic reaction to eggs. If that happens, they can't eat eggs for a while. But the good news is that most kids outgrow this allergy by age 5.

  • Moving to Middle School for Kids

    You're moving on up to middle school. But what will it be like?

  • Going Back to School for Kids

    There's a lot of "new" in the first day of school. New teachers, new friends, new shoes, new notebooks, and sometimes, a new school. Find out more about going back to school in this article for kids.

  • Nutrition & Fitness (Topic Center) for Kids

    Want to know more about eating right and being active? This is the place!

  • Go, Slow, and Whoa! A Kid's Guide to Eating Right for Kids

    Want to eat healthier? It's easy when you learn the difference between Go, Slow, and Whoa foods!

  • What Makes Chickenpox Itch? for Kids

    Chickenpox can make you itch like crazy. Find out why in this article for kids.

  • Minerals for Kids

    Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. Find out more about minerals in this article for kids.

  • Keeping Track of Your Blood Sugar for Kids

    Checking your blood sugar levels is a really important part of managing diabetes. Knowing those levels will help you keep your blood sugar under control - and that helps you feel good and keeps you healthy.

  • Be a Fit Kid for Kids

    A lot of people talk about fit kids, but how do you become one? Here are five rules to live by, if you want to eat right, be active, and keep a healthy weight.

  • What Happens in the Operating Room? for Kids

    Surgeries and operations happen in the operating room, sometimes called the OR. Find out more in this article for kids.