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You searched for: moving
  • Texting on the Move for Teens

    You've heard the warnings about texting and driving, but it's also risky to text and walk. Read our tips for safe texting.

  • Moving to Middle School for Kids

    You're moving on up to middle school. But what will it be like?

  • Clubfoot: Moving the Legs in a Ponseti Brace (Video) for Parents

    After clubfoot is corrected in the casting phase, it must be maintained in the bracing phase for up to 5 years. While your baby wore casts, he or she could move the legs independently. But because both feet are in the brace, the legs can only move together.

  • What Does Stat Mean? for Kids

    Quick! On the double! Hurry up! Get moving!

  • What Does Dislocation Mean? for Kids

    A dislocation is when one or more bones at a joint moves out of place.

  • What's a Gurney? for Kids

    A gurney is a hospital bed with wheels that makes it easy to move patients around.

  • What Are Laxatives? for Kids

    Laxatives are medicines that help you out when your bowels aren't moving.

  • What's a Retainer? for Kids

    Your teeth won't go far, but they can move after your braces are removed.

  • Tasty Sweet Potato Tots for Kids

    Move over tater tots, here come Tasty Tots. Would you believe the secret ingredient is chickpeas?

  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Parents

    Without bones, muscles, and joints, we couldn't stand, walk, run, or even sit. The musculoskeletal system supports our bodies, protects our organs from injury, and enables movement.