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You searched for: flu-fip
  • What's the Flu? for Kids

    The flu is a virus that can make you sick for a week or longer.

  • The Flu: Should You Go to School? for Kids

    Stay home or go to school? That's what you are probably wondering if you have the flu. Find out more.

  • Vaccine Schedule for Parents

    Which vaccines does your child need and when? Use this schedule as a handy reference.

  • 5 Ways to Stay Healthy for the Holidays for Teens

    Stay well and have a good time over the holidays — even if everyone else is falling apart. Our 5 tips will help boost your body's defenses.

  • Are Vaccines Safe During Pregnancy? for Parents

    Be sure to talk to your doctor before getting any vaccination during pregnancy. It's best to wait until after your pregnancy for most vaccines, but a few are considered safe.

  • Understanding COVID-19 for Parents

    Looking for information about COVID-19? Our articles and videos explain what the virus is, ways to prevent it from spreading, how to talk to kids about it, how to care for someone who is sick, and much more.

  • Your Child's Vaccines for Parents

    Vaccines protect kids from many dangerous diseases. Find out what vaccines your child needs to grow up healthy.

  • Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu) for Parents

    Gastroenteritis is an infection that causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and belly cramps. It's often called the stomach flu, and is a common illness.

  • Dealing With Asthma Triggers for Teens

    Find out what can make your asthma worse, and what to do about it.

  • Dealing With Asthma Triggers for Kids

    If you have asthma, certain things may cause you to cough and have trouble breathing. Find out more about asthma triggers in this article for kids.