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Primary Children's Hospital

Primary Children's Hospital
100 North Mario Capecchi Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah 84113-1100
(801) 662-1000

Is it OK to Have a Discharge After Getting Your Period?

Is it normal to still have a discharge after a girl starts her period?

Yes. Discharge helps clean and moisten the vagina as well as prevent and fight infection. Normal discharge can vary in texture and color depending on where a girl is in her menstrual cycle. Up to 1 tablespoon of discharge is normal.

There are times when discharge can be a sign of a problem, though. See your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • discharge that is brownish, greenish, or grayish in color
  • discharge that looks like pus
  • discharge that looks like cottage cheese
  • discharge that looks foamy
  • discharge that has a strong or unpleasant fishy smell
  • burning, swelling, itching, or redness along with the discharge
  • pain in the pelvis or belly

Otherwise, don't worry about discharge — it's normal and healthy!

Medically reviewed by: Lonna P. Gordon, MD
Date reviewed: September 2020