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You searched for: sleeping-late
  • Mental Health & Social Media Use: What Parents Can Do for Parents

    Using social media has benefits and risks for kids. Here's how to help them be more mindful about it, spend less time on it, and preserve their mental health.

  • Week 34 for Parents

    Your baby is probably in position for delivery — your health care provider can tell you if your baby is positioned head- or bottom-first.

  • Well-Child Visit: 11 Years for Parents

    Find out what the well-child visit will involve when your child is 11.

  • Irregular Periods for Teens

    Wondering whether it's normal to have irregular periods? Get the facts about this common problem.

  • Chiari I Malformation for Parents

    Many kids with this brain condition aren't bothered by it. Those who have symptoms can often find relief with medicines or surgery.

  • Coping With Divorce for Kids

    If your parents decide to divorce, you may have a lot of emotions and questions. Here are some ways to feel better and get through it all.

  • Chemotherapy for Teens

    Chemotherapy (chemo) is treatment with medicines that stop the growth of cancer cells. Find out how chemo works and what to expect when getting treatment.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Getting Started for Parents

    Here are answers to common questions about getting started with breastfeeding.

  • Dealing With Divorce for Teens

    A lot of emotions can pop up when change happens to your family, but learning more about divorce may make it a little easier to deal with.

  • Hodgkin Lymphoma for Parents

    Hodgkin lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. Most kids and teens who get Hodgkin lymphoma get better.

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