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You searched for: kids-talk-life
  • Grief for Teens

    The death of a loved one can mean a big change in your life. It takes time to cope with your loss and find ways to adapt.

  • Caring for Your Teen With Cerebral Palsy (CP): Age 13 and Up for Parents

    If your teen has cerebral palsy, there's a lot to know. This checklist makes it easy to determine what programs and services might be needed as your teen nears adulthood.

  • Dwarfism: Emily's Story (Video) for Parents

    Emily was born with a type of dwarfism. In this video, she talks about the challenges of being a little person, and how she overcomes the many hurdles she faces.

  • How to Live a Happy Life for Teens

    Research shows that just 10% of happiness depends on a person's situation. We actually have more control over happiness than we might think. Find out how.

  • Health Care Careers (Video) for Teens

    These videos help high school students get an idea of what's involved in some health and medical careers.

  • Why Do People Get Depressed? for Teens

    There's no one reason why people get depressed - many different things can play a role. Find out more about the things that can trigger depression.

  • Teens Talk About Cutting for Teens

    We get lots of comments about our cutting articles. Because many of our readers' suggestions and comments are so helpful, we decided to put a few on our site.

  • Klinefelter Syndrome for Teens

    This genetic condition only affects guys and is also called "XXY." It can affect a guy's ability to learn and his sexual development, but doctors can treat it. Find out more.

  • Talking to Your Parents or Other Adults for Teens

    Whether it's an everyday issue like schoolwork or an emergency situation, these tips can help you improve communications with your parents and other adults.

  • My Friend Is Talking About Suicide. What Should I Do? for Teens

    Have you heard that people who talk about suicide won't go through with it? That's not true. Read this article to learn some of the other warning signs that a person is considering suicide.

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