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You searched for: dam-hear
  • What's a Cochlear Implant? (Video) for Parents

    A cochlear implant is a surgically placed device that helps a person with severe hearing loss hear sounds. Doctors consider cochlear implants for children under 12 months of age with profound hearing loss in both ears. Older children with serious hearing loss also may get cochlear implants.

  • Hearing Tests for Parents

    Hearing problems can be overcome if they're caught early, so it's important to get your child's hearing screened early and checked regularly.

  • Quiz: Ears for Kids

    Take this quiz about your ears.

  • Aural Atresia for Parents

    Aural atresia is a condition that happens before birth in which a baby’s ear canal doesn’t form. It causes hearing loss, but treatments can help most children hear better.

  • Cochlear Implants for Parents

    Cochlear implants can help many kids with severe hearing loss. Find out how they work and who can get them.

  • Ears for Teens

    Hearing is their main job, but it's not all your ears do. Find out all about them in this body basics article for teens.

  • Cerebral Palsy (CP) (Topic Center) for Parents

    Learn all about cerebral palsy (CP), a problem that affects muscle tone, movement, and coordination. Help your child or teen manage the condition, and find the help and services that kids with CP are entitled to.

  • Seizures for Parents

    Seizures are caused by a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain. Find out what you need to know about seizures and what to do if your child has one.

  • Eardrum Injuries for Teens

    Perforated eardrums can really hurt. And if you can't hear as well as usual, they can be scary. The good news is, most people who have them get all their hearing back eventually.

  • Dealing With Earwax (Cerumen) for Parents

    Earwax helps protect the eardrum and fight infection. Parents shouldn't attempt to remove earwax at home, as doing so risks damage to the ear canal and, possibly, a child's hearing.

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