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You searched for: dam-hear
  • All About Your Senses: Experiments to Try for Kids

    Need a science project, or just looking for something fun to do? These experiments reveal the way your body works. Check with a grown-up first because some will require help from an adult.

  • Senses Experiment: Do You Hear What I Hear? for Kids

    Test your hearing with this experiment.

  • How Do the Ears Work? (Video) for Kids

    Nurb and Chloe explain what goes on inside your ears so you can hear. Watch the How the Body Works movie!

  • Brain and Nervous System for Teens

    If the brain is a central computer that controls all the functions of the body, then the nervous system is like a network that relays messages back and forth to different parts of the body. Find out how they work in this Body Basics article.

  • Central Nervous System: The Brain and Spinal Cord for Parents

    The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. Find out how they work together to control everything we do.

  • Ear Tube Surgery for Parents

    Many kids get middle ear infections (otitis media). Doctors may suggest ear tube surgery for those with multiple infections or a hearing loss or speech delay.

  • How Can I Prevent Hearing Loss? for Teens

    Hearing loss (also called hearing impairment) makes it hard to hear or understand sounds. But you can do something about noise-induced hearing loss.

  • What's Hearing Loss? for Kids

    Hearing loss happens when there is a problem with the ear, nerves connected to the ear, or the part of the brain that controls hearing. Someone who has hearing loss may be able to hear some sounds or nothing at all. To learn more, read this article for kids.

  • Tympanoplasty for Parents

    Tympanoplasty is a surgery to repair a hole in the eardrum that doesn’t close on its own. It can improve hearing and prevent water from getting into the middle ear.

  • Week 25 for Parents

    You may notice that your baby has resting and alert periods. Your baby's hearing has continued to develop, too — he or she may now be able to hear your voice!

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