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You searched for: focu-hear
  • Down Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about Down syndrome, and how to help students do their best in school.

  • Balance Disorders for Parents

    Most kids stumble and fall from time to time, but a child who often loses their balance might have a balance disorder.

  • Delayed Speech or Language Development for Parents

    Knowing how speech and language develop can help you figure out if you should be concerned or if your child is right on schedule.

  • Well-Child Visit: 1 Month for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your baby might be doing by the first month.

  • How to Talk to Kids About COVID-19 for Parents

    Your kids are hearing about coronavirus (COVID-19). To make sure they get reliable information, here's how to talk about it.

  • Late Effects of Cancer and Cancer Treatment for Parents

    Long-term side effects, or late effects, happen to many cancer survivors. With early diagnosis and proper follow-up care, most late effects can be treated or cured.

  • Auditory Processing Disorder for Parents

    Kids with APD can't understand what they hear in the same way other kids do. That's because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate. But early diagnosis and a variety of strategies can help them.

  • Practicing Positive Emotions for Teens

    Positivity is fun to practice, and a great way to learn more about yourself. Here are 10 common positive emotions to explore.

  • 3 Ways to Increase Positive Emotions for Teens

    People feel and do their best when they experience at least 3 times as many positive emotions as negative ones. This article offers ideas on how to build these powerful emotions.

  • Helping Kids When They Worry for Parents

    All kids worry at times, and some may do so more than others. But parents can help kids manage it and tackle everyday problems with ease. Find out how.

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