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You searched for: bowel
  • How to Handle Constipation for Parents

    Constipation is when a child has fewer bowel movements than usual. Ease constipation with the three Fs: fluid, fiber, and fitness.

  • A to Z: Hirschsprung Disease for Parents

    Learn about Hirschsprung disease, a birth defect that prevents a child from passing bowel movements.

  • A to Z: Constipation for Parents

    Constipation -- having fewer and harder bowel movements (poops) than usual -- is rarely due to a serious condition.

  • Transition of Care: Ulcerative Colitis for Parents

    Most teens with ulcerative colitis should transition to an adult health care provider when they're between 18 and 21 years old. Here's how parents can help them do that.

  • What's Fiber? for Kids

    Foods with fiber are really good for you and your bowels!

  • Nutrition Therapy and Crohn's Disease for Parents

    Nutrition therapy is an alternative to medicines that doctors use to ease the symptoms of Crohn's disease. It can help improve nutrition and growth, ease inflammation, and heal the gastrointestinal tract.

  • How Can I Tell if My Baby Is Constipated? for Parents

    A baby probably isn't constipated if their stool (poop) is soft, no matter how often the bowel movements happen or if the baby strains to pass them.

  • A to Z: Colitis for Parents

    Learn about inflammatory disorders and conditions that affect the intestines and digestive system.

  • A to Z: Encopresis for Parents

    Encopresis (soiling) is a condition that causes a child beyond the age of toilet training to have bowel movements (poop) in his or her underwear.

  • A to Z Symptom: Rectal Bleeding for Parents

    Learn about some common causes of rectal bleeding, most of which aren't serious.

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